Cisco Iou Keygen Python

  1. Python Polygon Iou
  2. Cisco Iou L3

Sep 25, 2016 Here is a link for Cisco IOU gen for Python 2. Here is a link for Routing Loop. Bookmark the permalink. /usr/bin/python #print '.' #print 'Cisco IOU License Generator - Kal 2011, python port of 2006 C version' import os import socket import hashlib import struct # get the host id and host name to calculate the hostkey hostid=os.popen('hostid').read.strip hostname = socket.gethostname ioukey=int(hostid,16) for x in hostname: ioukey = ioukey + ord(x) print 'hostid=' +. Create IOU Licence Key. Now, we need to add the IOU licence under the EVE-NG to run the IOU/IOL image. Download the IOU licence key generator named from here. If not able to download copy and save below python code with same filename. The license is actually generated by the Keygen with the combination of the hostname and the hostid and ioukey of your VM. The Keygen file is actually a Python script that looks like: #!

This is a reblog from the original article at Connect IOU with real networks or dynamips

From Internetworkpro

This guide provides explanations to a script called (script is at the end of the article), which allows you to attach IOU instances to real network (interfaces). In its functionality, its similar to what the ioulive tool does. For more information about IOU or ioulive, ask your Cisco SE/AM that provided you with your copy of IOU, or check out the [IOU FAQ from][3].

Why another script that does nearly the same thing as ioulive? While playing around with IOU, i tried to come up with a way to attach IOU instances to dynamips directly. I managed to get this working for single instances, but came to the conclusion that its best to integrate such functionality in dynagen directly. Unfortunately, Im not a good programmer and have no experience with python, nor the time to dig through the dynagen sources and extend the code. This script is a byproduct of this work, where i tried to document the packet format that IOU uses to communicate between instances.


The program is written in perl and can be copied directly from the source listing (end of the article) to a file. Make the file executeable with


iou2net depends on some perl modules. Most of them should come with your default perl distribution. Best case, the extra installation of Net::Pcap should do the trick to satisfy dependencies. On Ubuntu and Debian systems, this is provided with the “libnet-pcap-perl” package. Of course, beside the perl package, you need libpcap too (not sure if -dev is required).

For systems that dont pack the perl module, use CPAN to install it:


Pokemon x rom for citra. Now try to start the script, it should start without any module warnings, printing the help screen:



iou2net will forward frames between a IOU instance and a (real) network adapter. IOU needs a special mapping in its NETMAP file. The interface of the IOU instance you want to forward from has to be listed as a source entry, with a “@” suffix at the end. The destination of the mapping will be a pseudo IOU instance number, with a pseudo interface number. will use this pseudo IOU instance ID to connect to the real IOU instance, and do its frame relaying.

Example NETMAP file:

The first two mappings are normal connections between IOU instances at the same host (R10, 1/1 R11, 1/0 and R10, 1/2 R12, 1/0). The last one connects interface 1/0 of R10 to pseudo router (instance) 20, interface 0/0.

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You can choose any ID (<1024), as long as its not used by any real IOU instance. Specify this ID with the option “-p” when launching the script. Dont use this arbitrary ID for anything else in your mappings/topology. iou2net will need to read through this NETMAP file, to determine the correct mapping. By default, it looks in the current directory for the file NETMAP. If you want to use a file in a different directory (and/or with a different name), use the “-n” option. Last, you must specify the network interface where the frames should be forwarded to/received from. will put this interface into promiscuous mode, therefore you must have superuser privileges when starting the script.


  • This is only tested with Linux so far. Im sure it will run at other modern Unices, too. From perl perspective, porting this to windows is a possible, yet a pointless approach, because there is no IO_W_ (afaik).
  • For the NETMAP mapping line that is related with pseudo ID, you must use id:x/y interface notation and not the “compressed” id:z format. Its just a matter of implementation in the script, im too lazy to add this.
  • There is not much sanity checking. The last occurence of a line that contains the pseudo ID as a destination is used, no matter how many other mappings with this ID exist before in the NETMAP file. These are typos anyway (see next limitation).
  • A single instance of this script will handle one IOU < -> network mapping. If you, for example, have multiple NICs in your systems and therefore want multiple IOU interfaces to be forwarded, you must launch multiple instances of the script. Every mapping must get a unique pseudo ID as the destination, and every instance of the script must be started by adding this unique ID. Example: $ cat NETMAP 10:1/[email protected] 20:0/[email protected] 10:1/[email protected] 21:0/[email protected] 11:1/[email protected] 22:0/[email protected] […]$ sudo ./ -i eth0 -p 20 & […] $ sudo ./ -i eth1 -p 21 & […] $ sudo ./ -i eth2 -p 22 & […]

I didnt test this approach, but it should work. Also, i didnt test the behavior of bridging multiple instances of this script to the same physical interface – please provide feedback. Melissa lynn henning-camp.

Run all your IOU instances as the same user, otherwise you end up with different “netio” subdirectories in /tmp, and your IOU instances cannot talk to each other. The script needs to know the real uid of the user, therefore you should invoke with sudo, from the same user that runs the IOU instances.

What works

I’ve done some quick tests with a local IOU instance, one Ethernet interface bridged to a real network where a c1841 is located:

  • Basic communication at layer 2 and 3 (Ethernet), up to MTU of 1500
  • OSPF adjacency over Broadcast segment (multicast)
  • ISIS adjacency
  • LDP adjacency
  • MPLS encapsulation over Ethernet (@1500 byte [MPLS] MTU, no baby giant/jumbo frame support)
  • IPv6 auto discovery
  • various connectivity tests toward v4 and v6 Internet
  • attaching IOU to dynamips (see below)

IOU communication

In this cha pter, i will outline the packet format and methods IOU uses when communicating outside of an IOU instance. Inter-instance communication is done through UNIX domain sockets. These are created in the subdirectory “/tmp/netio1000”, with a numeric name that corresponds to . So far, i cannot tell whether this directory is the same for anyone, anytime. You can sniff this traffic with strace, like

When sending frames, IOU will submit the entire L2 frame, prepended with a IOU proprietary header. This header is required at the receiving instance, to make the distinction to which local interface the frame is destined to. This is important, because the sockets are per instance (router) and have no way to decide to which internal interface to forward to (whithout extra logic that looks at MAC addresses etc.).


Python Polygon Iou

Furthermore, IOU does sanity checks with this header. When receiving a frame, the source information (sending ID, sending interface) is checked against the mappings that were read from the NETMAP file. It is not possible to send frames to an instance with valid destination ID and interface numbers and faked/unknown source information; the source ID and interface numbers have to match also.

The header format is described in the script. I cannot say if the last two bytes are really a delimiter that is always 0x01000, or if these fields serve a different purpose.

Cisco Iou L3

The script walks through the NETMAP file and determines the correct mapping, extracts the source IOU instance ID and its interface numbers. As discussed above, this is important for constructing the IOU header. Then it creates a socket $iou_pseudo_sock for out IOU pseudo ID (the destination), the real IOU instance (the source) will send its frames to this socket. This socket will be read- and writeable by anyone, since this script runs as root, where you usually run IOU as a normal user. Furthermore, we bind to the socket of the source IOU instance

($iou_router_sock). The IOU header that is used when sending frames to the real IOU instance is now prebuild, all the required information is available. Next, we bind to the NIC through PCAP routines.

The receiver that handles the traffic direction “IOU->real network” is forked to allow for non-blocking functionality (There is an option to IO::Socket::UNIX, allowing the socket to operate in nonblocking mode, but i found this way more intuitive). For every frame that the source IOU instance sends, we strip off the first 8 bytes (the IOU header), and transmit the frame via the real NIC.

The receiver that handles the direction “real network->IOU” is implemented with a pcap capture loop, where the “logic” is inside the sub recv_loop. Every received frame will be prepended with the precompiled IOU header and send to the socket of the source IOU instance.

This is a reblog from the original article at Connect IOU with real networks or dynamips and probably worth checking there first for any updates.

Other Posts in This Series

  1. Cisco IOU:Connect IOU with real or external networks (17th April 2011)
  2. Cisco IOU:Scripted Start Multiple Routing with L2IOU, memory (15th April 2011)
  3. Cisco IOU: What can Cisco do for Testing, Validation & the IPv6 challenge ? (15th April 2011)
  4. Cisco IOU: Starting Multiple Routers (15th April 2011)
  5. Cisco IOU: Shutting down the IOU Processes (15th April 2011)