7 Days To Die A17 Mods

7 Days to Die is a video game that offers you the survival fantasy where you always try to be alive while taking down the danger and the mysterious things. The game sets you in a place just after the Third World War and now you see a destroyed world all around. The area of game world seems somewhere like Navezgane, Arizona.

You need to survive the environment now and manage all your level to the required amount.

Jul 02, 2020 This 7 Days to Die mod adds the steel ammo from A17 for players who enjoyed that option. Aug 18, 2020 The 4x4 Truck is a type of vehicle in 7 Days to Die. The radial menu may be accessed by holding over the vehicle. Crafting edit edit source The 4x4 Truck is crafted in the Workbench using 4 Wheels, a 4x4 Truck Chassis, 4x4 Truck Accessories, a Engine and a Lead Car Battery. Why Is This Mod Needed? A while ago (A17?, A16?) TFP removed the ability for us to mod the reload sound of the weapons (including the once added through mods). At least ivailogeimara hasn’t find a way to do it. When he begun to figure out why they did it (6 months ago.

The player needs to find shelter, food, accessories, and other things to survive. Here your opponent is the cruel zombies that are ready to make you infected.

  • Tree Mod – 7 Days to Die Mods It is one of the most organized 7 days to die mod and ability to indulge your gameplay with a luxuriously modern but friendly tree. Even though the previous updates have not been very significant, but more updates will still be added.
  • Repair edit edit source. The Durability of a Claw Hammer deteriorates with each use by 1. When its Durability reaches zero, it becomes unusable until repaired. Repairing a Claw Hammer requires 1 Repair Kit.

This old doesn’t seem an easy space and things here are difficult. To make them a bit easy and entertaining I bring you 7 Days to Die Admin commands so you apply these and get some rest. Official Site | 7DTD Forums

How to Use:

  • Console Commands can be used with 2 different Keys

Blackened sky biffy clyro rar download. –1st one: F1 for US and Europe Keyboards

–2nd one:

  • press ” [Quotation marks]for US keyboards.
  • press @ [At” sign]for EU keyboards.
  • press Ö/Ø/F2 for Scandinavian keyboards.
  • press Ñ for spanish keyboards

7 Days To Die Console Commands – God Mod, Creative Mode

All these commands ensure you a sure fun so you can manage your health level high, find food easily, collect currency in no time, cut your enemy instantly, and much more.


  1. commands are case sensitive
  2. Not all commands can use shortcuts but most of them.

Help <command> – type the command and get all the console supported commands.

Admin add <name/entity id/steam id> <permission level> – using this one you can a player to the list of admin and set the permission of your choice.

Admin remove <name / entity id / steam id>– in this one, we remove player instead of adding it. Just get name, entity, or steam id and remove it from the admin list.

Ban add <name / entity id / steam id> <duration> <duration unit> [reason] – this one can get a player banned from the game for a fixed amount of time. You also need to specify the reason for it.

Ban list– if you want to enquire the banned players then this command get you the list of them with the reasons.

Ban remove <name / entity id / steam id> – if you ever want to remove a player from the ban then go for the command, enter the id and remove the ban.

To check your RAM voltage in SpeedFan, open the 'Readings' tab and look through the voltage ratings for a value close to your RAM's suggested setting (between 1.05v and 1.8v). SpeedFan may list the RAM voltage next to a 'Vcore' reading. Hello, I am looking into buy PC3-10600 RAM but I am not sure wether to get 1.35v or 1.5v. How can I find the voltage for the RAM? I already checked the BIOS of my Toshiba Sattellite L745-S4210. I don't know what voltage they're at, could the board is fixed at 1.35V for the RAM, or fixed at 1.5V, or can detect the what the RAM needs, and sets it appropriately. I'm not sure what speed the Samsung RAM was operating at, but I think it was also 1333MHz, and the RAM was being down-clocked automatically to that speed. How to check ram voltage.

Buff <buff name> – you can set the local player or your character with a buff. To find a buff you can follow the path: 7 days to diedataconfigbuffs.xml

Chunkcache – get a view of all the chunks existing in the cache.

Cp add <command> <level> – add any command to the command list with the specified amount of permission. To view the list type “cp list.”

Cp remove <command> – just as it looks, the command is used to remove any command from the list.

Cp list – get a complete list of command permissions using this command. 1000 means the lowest and 0 is the highest.

Creativemenu – if you want to toggle the creative menu then use this one.

Deathscreen <on/off>– you can toggle blood-filled screen that appears during the gameplay. It affects the visibility only.

Debuff <buff name> – this one can be used to remove the buff if you have applied.

Debuffplayer <name / entity id / steam id> <buff name> – make the buff disable from any player by putting the id.

Debugmenu [on/off] – the command enables and disables the debug mode that brings several functionalities like god mode and other.

Enablescope <on/off> – make the debug scope enable or disable.

Exhausted – use this cheat and exhaust the player.

Exportitemicons – export the items of your choice to the game using the folder: 7 days to dieitemicons.

Getgamepref – using this one you can get the game preferences list like airdrop frequency, daylight length, and other.

Getgamestat – using this one you can get the list of game stats that are currently activated.

Gettime – you can get the number of days and time to print.

Givequest – the cheat can be used to get a quest and have fun comparing it. Follow the path: 7 days to diedataconfigquests.xml.

Giveself <item name> [quality level] – be a greedy one and make any item at your doorstep in the desired quantity using this command.

<skill name> <amount> – get any skill in the amount you want by just adding the skill name and quantity in the fields.

Giveselfxp <amount> – use this one to make increment in your experience or xp points. For example, giveselfxp 500.

Kick <name / entity id / steam id> [reason] – now if you don’t want a player in the game then kick him straight out. Just get the id and type in the console.

Kickall [reason] – using this one you can kick all the players from the game. Just give the reason and they all will be gone.

Killall – as you can understand, this one is to kill the players and other characters.

Listents – this one releases a list to you defining all the entities like zombies, players, animals, etc.

Listplayerids – to get all the players with their ids use this one and it will bring you a list.

Listplayers – a more useful command that not only lists the player with ids but with health level, stats, ip address, and other factors.

Listthreads – get the list of all threads.


Loggamestate <message> [true/false] – get you the info on current game’s state including the memory usage, entities, and other aspects.

Loglevel <loglevel name> <true/false> – select the log files that you want to view on the connection. By default, all logs are turned on.

Mem – this one prints you the memory status and gets a call to the garbage collector.

Removequest – now you can remove any quest you do not want to play.

Saveworld – just hit this cheat and save the world instantly.

Say <message> – send your message to all the clients from the server.

Setgamepref <preference name> <value> – now you can set the preference of the game and to view them, type “gg.”

Settempunit – get the console and type c or f to get the temperature status in Celsius or Fahrenheit.

Settime <day> <hour> <minute> – use the command or just type ‘st’ to set your desired time in the game. The time remains in 24 hours format so set accordingly.

Showalbedo – make the albedo enable or disable using the command.

Showchunkdata – this can be used to get the data of the chunk that is currently enabled.

Shownexthordetime – get the time of wandering horde.

Shownormals – you can toggle the normal maps to display using this one.

Showspecular – either enter the command or just type ‘spec’ to turn on or off the specular values.

Shutdown – this one is for shutting down the game.

Sounddebug – turn on or off the sound manager.

Spawnairdrop – get an airdrop spawn.

Spawnentity <playerid> <entityid> – To get the ids just type ‘lpi.’

Spawnscreen – a simple command that lets you view the spawn screen.

Spawnsupplycrate – get the supply crate spawned.

Spawnwanderinghorde – now you can get a complete zombie horde and get them in the direction where we used the command.

Spectrum <choice> – you can put the lighting spectrum of your choice like bloodmoon, foggy, snowy., rainy, stormy, etc.

Starve– use this command and feel the hunger.

Staticmap – you can either make the navazgane map static or dynamic.

Switchview – a worth trying command that lets you choose between 1st person and 3rd person perspective.

Teleport <e / w> [y] <n / s> – transport to the different directions.

Teleportplayer <name / player id / steam id> <e / w> <y> <n / s>

Teleportplayer <player id> <player id> – use the command and make any player transported to the specified location.

Thirsty– just like the hungry command, it makes the player thirsty.

Traderarea – use the command and get entry to the trader area until it gets closed.

Updatelighton <name / player id / steam id>– get the light on materials and players using the command.

Version – using the cheat you can print the game’s version and all the mods.

Water – get all the settings regarding water. You can also type ‘help water’ and see how it works.

Weather – just like the water settings, it controls the weather and ‘help weather’ can also be typed.

Weathersurvival – get some fun by turning on the weather survival or you can also put it off using the same command.

Whitelist add <name / player id / steam id>– using this one you can add any player to the whitelist.

Whitelist remove <name / player id / steam id> 0- instead of adding, this one works for removing the player from the whitelist.

Whitelist list – this one prepares the file for printing including all the whitelisted players.


Can’t close command console, do this?

  • F1 toggles console
  • Escape closes console
  • If those don’t work, try rebooting your computer

If that doesn’t work, reinstall the game

  • dm = toggles debug mode
  • cm = toggles creative mode
  • G for god mode is only available in debug mode
  • H will toggle flight (you can turn off flight and still remain in god mode)

Or you can fly with H even while G is off.


Console commands and Cheats for 7 Days to Die are very useful if you want to experience a serious change in the gameplay. No user can resit from trying these commands as they bring the utter fun to the game. So guys try them all and share your opinions here.

Nov 20, 2018

This is an in-depth guide into what Clothing, Armor, and Armor Modifications do in Alpha 17.
Other 7DTD Guides:
  • 100% Achievement Guide.
  • Navezgane Map (All Places of Interest).
  • How to Survive Your First Horde.
  • Traps and Turrets.
  • Scavenging.
  • Weapon Mods (Alpha 17).


Armor has actually been drastically reduced in complexity from A16 to A17 which is a very welcoming change. The only thing that affects the damage you take is the helmet, chestplate, gloves, leg armor and boots.
Quality also matters significantly less now as the only thing that changes from lowest to max quality is the durability and as that degrades it comes at no cost to protection anymore!
Mobility is now a factor in clothing. Light armors like Padded and Military Armor increases stamina costs while in use at a reported rate of -0.57 per second while heavier armors decrease it by -1.
Armor Rating is a rough rating of how good the armor is. At some future point I will try to see what the armor rating actually means, but for now it just shows which one is best.
The Best Armor is actually down to preference this time around. Surprisingly enough steel armor is the best for protection with additional modifications (see mods section for more information). However, military armor is the best protection for least hindrance to stamina. The best gear may actually come down more to preference and situation rather than a raw numbers game. Top tier Military Armor has a rating of 10(13 military padding) and steel has 12(16 steel plating) with -0.57 and -1.0 stamina spent respectively.

7 Days To Die A17 Weapon Mods

Modification: Plating and Padding

Displayed on the left are the paddings/platings that correspond with their armor. Any type of padding goes with light armor and any type of plating goes with heavy, but they cannot be put onto the wrong type of armor set. The benefits go like this, Reinforced Padding(+1), Plastic Padding(+2), Military Padding(+3) while heavy armor gets Scrap Plating(+2), Iron Plating(+3), and Steel Plating(+4). This means the best military can only get 13 armor rating and the best steel can get 16.

Modifications: Connectors and Sneaking

Muffled Connectors and advanced muffled connectors slightly decreases the zombies ability to detect you. In my tests, jumping without any mods caused my detection bar to jump to 37, with the regular connectors it went down to 35 and advanced down to 32.

Modification: Hypothermal and Hyperthermal Protection

Insulated liner adds +5 to hypo thermal resist where as cooling mesh adds an aditional +5 to hyperthemal resist.

Modification: Extra Slots

Pockets come in regular(+1), double(+2) and triple(+3). They can be put onto ANY armor piece and the effects stack. This means an armor set can relieve you of 15 encumberance slots!! The encumberance slots are the greyed out heavy load icon slots in your inventory.

Best Headwear

Reminder: Hyperthermia is heat resistance. Hypothermal is cold resistance. I put together every piece of headwear together of descending effectiveness. The aggregate protection is hypo and hyper thermal protections added together.


Mods For 7 Days To Die Steam

7 Days To Die A17 Mods
Eyewear and face slot are the only slots that can modify your base stats. Perks listed in the picture.

Face and Gloves

Self explanatory.




7 Days To Die A17 Mods Modhub


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